[Salon] Humboldt faculty condemn police violence against students, join demands for boycott and divestment from Israel


Humboldt faculty condemn police violence against students, join demands for boycott and divestment from Israel

As faculty at Cal Poly Humboldt, we deplore the use of physical violence by police and the deployment of extreme tactics to surveil students, escalate tensions, and criminalize free speech exercised by students calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Editor’s Note: Students at California State Polytechnic University Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt) have been occupying a campus building since Monday, April 22 to protest the genocide in Gaza and university ties to Israel. They have already been brutalized by the police once, and a second police raid and extraction of student protesters occupying the building is feared imminent. Below is a letter that Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty have written in response to the police violence used against Humboldt students, and in support of the students’ demands. 

To: The Cal Poly Humboldt community and Administrators
Tom Jackson, Jr., University President
Jenn Capps, Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs
Chrissy Holliday, Vice President, Enrollment Management & Student Success
Frank Whitlatch, Executive Director & Secretary, Board of Directors, Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation

As faculty at Cal Poly Humboldt, we deplore the use of physical violence by university, local, and regional police officers and sheriffs and the deployment of other extreme tactics such as helicopters, to surveil students, escalate tensions, and criminalize free speech exercised by students calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. We also find unacceptable the attempt to shut down student voices by shutting down campus.

We call on all CPH administrators to reflect on the real harm that this crackdown on free speech inflicts and the message it sends to current and future students, their parents, faculty, and staff, and our communities within and beyond Humboldt. Brutalizing students who raise urgent protest according to their consciences is shameful. Our students are responding in earnest to our federal government’s support of genocidal violence against an oppressed Indigenous people–Palestinians living in Gaza, who are already refugees, the victims of previous ethnic cleansing. As the human rights organization Al-Haq reminds us, “The Palestinian struggle, as the struggles of all those oppressed, is a shared responsibility, transcending borders and backgrounds. The path to justice has been long, but it is a path we are unwaveringly committed to walking until the rights of the Palestinian people are realised.”

Cal Poly’s Office of the President’s “Resilience & Community” webpage highlights the “renowned intellectual Cornel West,” whose platform for U.S. president promises to “Protect free speech” and “Cease military funding to the State of Israel.” Dr. West spoke to Humboldt students during Black Liberation month 2020, and, according to Humboldt’s website, provided “just the kind of positive connection that can define a student’s college experience.” Dr. West has also spoken out in support of the student encampment for Gaza at Columbia, which inspired our students at Cal Poly Humboldt to launch their protest in solidarity and support for the same demands. Humboldt students see the connection between free speech, campus organizing, and transformative global change. Chants on the quad on the first night of the student sit-in, calling for “Justice for Josiah,” make clear that students connect state violence of police and prosecutor failures when responding to student David Josiah Lawson’s stabbing, and the oppressive tactics used by police in response to a student sit-in. The police helicopter circling for hours over Siemens Hall on April 22, 2024, was diverted from an urgent search and rescue operation, illustrating that criminalizing students puts more lives in jeopardy.

If, as the emergency message “Campus Closed, Siemens Hall Protest” on CPH’s webpage states, “The University is deeply concerned about the safety of the protestors who have barricaded themselves inside the building” then why were students and faculty battered and bloodied by campus police? Why is occupying a building on campus to express the urgency of refusing to be complicit in genocide being characterized as a form of violence in this “emergency” message? Campus and city police officers, acting at the behest of the highest levels of university administrators, responded to students sitting in a building and chanting by throwing students to the ground, violently arresting multiple people, clubbing at least one student in the head, and batoning a faculty witness in the stomach. It is disgraceful for campus administrators to care more about chairs and buildings than the safety of students and their demands for global justice by acting locally. This mindset puts students’ lives in jeopardy as they attempt to awaken us to the nightmarish realities that confront us. This is not the first time our university’s administration has sent police to suppress, rather than address, our students’ urgent demands for justice this semester. We urge this to be the last time police violence is deployed on our campus.

The decisions regarding campus closure and changes to teaching modalities have been made without consultation with the faculty, which undermines the principles of shared governance.

Such actions infringe upon our freedom of _expression_ as educators and decision-makers within the academic community. It’s crucial to uphold these values to ensure transparency, collaboration, and respect for diverse perspectives.

Students at California State Polytechnic University Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt) have been occupying a campus building since Monday, April 22 to protest the genocide in Gaza and university ties to Israel. (Photo: Janet Winston)Students at California State Polytechnic University Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt) have been occupying a campus building since Monday, April 22 to protest the genocide in Gaza and university ties to Israel. (Photo: Janet Winston)

The Humboldt Administration’s decision to lock campus buildings, immediately and without warning, led to students, who were studying for finals, to lose access to their belongings locked inside the library and to faculty, who were marking papers and preparing final exams, to have to scramble to try to access their locked offices. There have not been adequate alternatives provided even for access to bathrooms, which has led to concerning hygiene issues and safety risks. Administration must rectify these immediate barriers to student and faculty safety and reassess the decisions made regarding campus access to ensure the well-being and security of all members of the community.

As witnessed on scene and reported on police scanners, police scrambled WiFi signals on campus to inhibit communication, a disturbing and even dystopian tactic. We are also troubled by the use of campus resources last night to suppress student protest, including a non-police university maintenance truck used to remove the furniture at the front of the building and to kettle students at the entrance to Siemens. The truck became a militarized weapon in the hands of the police. It is troubling, but not surprising, to see police working with university administration to carry out some of the same technology surveillance and crowd repression tactics that the Israeli army and border police regularly use on Palestinians protesting. We heard our students last night speak to the visceral solidarity they felt with Palestinians as Humboldt students witnessed the level of militarized police violence on their campus in protection of property instead of lives and justice.

Students at California State Polytechnic University Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt) have been occupying a campus building since Monday, April 22 to protest the genocide in Gaza and university ties to Israel. (Photo: Janet Winston)Students at California State Polytechnic University Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt) have been occupying a campus building since Monday, April 22 to protest the genocide in Gaza and university ties to Israel. (Photo: Janet Winston)

Our university’s purpose, proudly displayed on our website, unequivocally calls for us to “provide the highest quality and affordable college education built on the contributions of diverse students, staff, and faculty who are committed to a just and sustainable world.” Our students have taken this purpose to heart and are raising their voices in unison around the clock to say, no, this generation will not be complicit in genocide. CPH’s professed vision is to be “a campus for those who seek above all else to improve the global human condition and our relationship with the environment We will be a center for the interdisciplinary study of just global societies. We will approach our work with an equity mindset and continue to emphasize inclusion across multiple dimensions of our university, modeling what we want to see in the world We will partner with Indigenous communities to address the legacy of colonialism, and create space nurturing of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), pedagogies, and curricula responsive to their identified needs.” By criminalizing resistance to crimes against humanity and student calls to end the violent “legacy” and ongoing injustice of settler colonialism in Palestine and on their campus, we are failing to embody our institution’s purpose and vision.

We reiterate and build upon the demands of those sitting in at Siemens Hall: full disclosure of CPH’s ties with Israel; an academic boycott to end institutional connections with Israeli universities including CSU study abroad in Israel; divestment from companies profiting from and upholding the occupation of Palestine; dropping charges against student organizers; and advocating for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and end to the occupation of Palestine. We also call for Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation’s providing greater transparency in where Humboldt’s endowment funds are invested, the exact nature of Cal Poly Humboldt Foundation’s investment pledge for sustainability and social responsibility, and an expanded pledge to divest Humboldt’s endowment from companies that support the Occupation of Palestine and the genocide in Gaza.

Cal Poly Humboldt Faculty and Staff Signatures:

  1. Prof. Janet Winston, Department of English, Department of Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies affiliated faculty
  2. Gabi Kirk, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Analysis
  3. Christina Hsu Accomando, Professor, Departments of English and Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  4. Robert Mónico, Assistant Professor, Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  5. Dr. Caglar Dolek, Assistant Professor, Sociology & Criminology and Justice Studies Program
  6. Michihiro Sugata, Associate Professor, Sociology/Criminology & Justice Studies
  7. Nancy Perez, Assistant Professor, Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  8. Andrea Delgado, Assistant Professor in English
  9. Cinthya Ammerman Muñoz, Assistant Professor, Department of Native American Studies
  10. Tani Sebro, Associate Professor, Politics
  11. Ana Bernal, Program Director and Lecturer, Sexual Assault Prevention Committee Co-Chair; Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department
  12. Sarah Jaquette Ray, Chair and professor, Environmental Studies
  13. Dominic Corva, Assistant Professor, Sociology
  14. Torisha Khonach, PhD, Lecturer, Sociology
  15. Meridith Oram, Academic Advisor (Past Volunteer Lecturer), Academic Advising
  16. Laura Johnson, PhD, Lecturer, Geography and Environmental Studies
  17. Nicholas Perdue, Associate Professor, Geography, Environment & Spatial Analysis
  18. Rouhollah Aghasaleh, Assistant Professor, School of Education
  19. Paul Michael L. Atienza, Assistant Professor, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  20. Kelda Quintana, Academic Advisor
  21. Maxwell Schnurer, Professor and department chair, Communication
  22. Aaron Gregory, Assistant Professor, Native American Studies
  23. Joe Curtis, Lecturer, Native American Studies
  24. Nina Misch, Lecturer, Social Work
  25. Whitney Ogle, Associate Professor, School of Applied Health
  26. Kerry Marsden, Lecturer, English
  27. Marianne Ahokas, PhD, Lecturer, English
  28. Hallie Lepphaille, Program Coordinator & Academic Advisor, School of Education
  29. Stephanie Lumsden, Lecturer, Native American Studies
  30. María Corral Rocha, Adjunct Faculty, Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  31. Romi Hitchcock Tinseth, Faculty, Communication
  32. Kaitlin Reed, Assistant Professor, Native American Studies
  33. Tessa Head, Lecturer, English
  34. Megan Siaosi, Lecturer, Native American Studies
  35. Marisol Ruiz, Professor, School of Education
  36. Jamie Jensen, Associate Professor, Social Work
  37. Erin M. Sullivan, Lecturer, English
  38. Heal McKnight, Lecturer in Creative Writing, English
  39. Tony Wallin-Sato, Lecturer, Crit. Race Gender and Sexuality Studies
  40. Maral N. Attallah, Distinguished Lecturer, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  41. Janaee’ N. Sykes, Academic Advisor, AAC
  42. Isaac Torres, Lecturer and Academic Advisor, Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and The Academic Advising Center
  43. Natalie Giannini, Lecturer , English
  44. Nicolette Amann, Faculty and Director, English
  45. Lisa Tremain, Chair, English
  46. Sarah Ben-Zvi, Lecturer, English
  47. Janelle Adsit, Associate Professor, English
  48. Katie Koscielak, Lecturer, Geography & Environmental Studies
  49. Dr. H.Benjamin Shaeffer, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
  50. Kayla Begay, Chair, Associate Professor, Native American Studies
  51. Tim Miller, Librarian, Library
  52. Cindy Moyer, Chair, Dance, Music, and Theatre
  53. Dr. Ramona j.j. Bell, Chair and professor, Department of Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  54. Tony Sivaggio, Chair, Department of Sociology
  55. Dylan McClure, Lecturer, Social Work
  56. Seth Bradley, Research Analyst, Alum, Graduate Student, IRAR, Politics, Sociology
  57. Toby Walker, IT Consultant, ITS
  58. CFA Humboldt Executive Board
  59. Dr. Nikola Hobbel, Professor, English
  60. Edwin Espinoza, Information Technology Consultant, ITS
  61. Jocelyne Takatsuno, Pre-Award Specialist, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  62. Virginia Ryder, Lecturer, Music
  63. Jim Graham, Professor, ESM
  64. Marissa Ramsier, Chair, Department of Anthropology
  65. Qualla Jo Ketchum, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering
  66. Marcos Hernandez, Lecturer, English
  67. Laura Power, Lecturer, Social Work
  68. Elisabeth Harrington, Associate Professor-Voice, Dance, Music & Theatre
  69. Roxann Schroeder, Lecturer, Biology and ESM
  70. Crane Conso, Research Analyst, CCRP & Psych
  71. Jordan McDowell, Program coordinator, Education
  72. Bonnie Ludka, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering
  73. Kevin Fingerman, Associate Professor, Environmental Science & Management
  74. Rain L. Marshall, JD, Lecturer, NAS/CRGS
  75. Rachael Wade, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
  76. Angela Turner, Grant Analyst, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  77. L. Rae Robison, Professor, Theatre
  78. Emily Lavrador, Lecturer, English
  79. Christine Cass, Chair and Associate Professor, Oceanography
  80. Charles Moore, CARE Basic Needs Coordinator, Dean of Students
  81. Daneil O’Shea, Lecturer, Oceanography
  82. Tristan Gleason, Associate Professor, School of Education
  83. Awbrey Yost, Lecturer, Environmental Science and Management
  84. Corrina Wells, Title V Projects Director, Academic Affairs
  85. Shannon Berge, Academic Advisor, Academic Advising Center
  86. Kelly Fortner, Student Support Coordinator, Center for Community Based Learning
  87. Chris Harmon, Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry
  88. Grace Coleman, Administrative Support Coordinator, School of Business
  89. Rob Keever, CARE Coordinator, Dean of Students
  90. Gema Quiroz Torres, Staff, Alumni, Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  91. Amy Cirincione O’Connor, LCSW, Lecturer, Social Work
  92. Mary Scoggin, Professor, Anthropology
  93. Elias Pence, Lecturer, Critical Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  94. Sean Craig, Professor, Biological Sciences
  95. Karen Davy, Lecturer, Music
  96. Maria Bartlett, Professor Emerita, Social Work
  97. John Reiss, Professor of Zoology, Biological Sciences
  98. Emily Baxter, Lecturer, Environmental Science & Management
  99. Daniel Barton, Chair and Associate Professor, Wildlife
  100. George Wrenn, Librarian, University Library
  101. Elizabeth A. Eschenbach, Professor & Program Lead of Environmental Resources Engineering, School of Engineering
  102. Yvonne Doble, Lecturer, Social Work
  103. Dawn Goley, Professor of Zoology, Biological Sciences
  104. Sarah Peters Gonzalez, Academic Advisor, Academic Advising Center
  105. Gordon Ulmer, Assistant Professor, Applied Anthropology MA Coordinator, Anthropology
  106. Daniela Cerbino, PhD, Assistant Professor, World Languages and Cultures
  107. Michael Eldridge, Professor Emeritus, English
  108. Leslie Ridelander, Research Grant Analyst, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  109. Mary Glenn, Professor, Anthropology
  110. Renee Byrd, Associate Professor, English
  111. David Sinn, Lecturer, Wildlife
  112. Binta Wright, Office Manager, SPF
  113. Stuart Juodeika, Technical Director, Dance Music Theater
  114. Rachel Torres, Postdoctoral Researcher, INRSEP
  115. Sharyn Marks, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
  116. Adriana Martinez, Teacher, Child Development
  117. Marylisa Wood, Student Event Funding Board Coordinator, Office of Student Life
  118. Allison Hansberry, Operations Director, Schatz Energy Research Center
  119. Dr. Pamela Brown, Retired
  120. Justin Egan, Lecturer, English
  121. Allison Bronson, Lecturer, Biological Sciences
  122. Joselyn Lindsey, Lecturer, Anthropology
  123. Paul Bourdeau, Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
  124. Samila Amanyraoufpoor, Lecturer, Business
  125. Joan Eleanor Trejo, Lecturer, Geography
  126. Samar El-Abdallah, Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences
  127. Guy Aronoff, Instructor, History
  128. Kelsi Guerrero, Lecturer, Psychology
  129. Nassie Danesh, LCSW, Staff Psychotherapist, CAPS
  130. Ian, Research Engineer, Schatz Energy Research Center
  131. Chipo M Hatendi, Ph.D., Lecturer, CRGS
  132. Marilyn Koch, Lecturer, Art + Film
  133. Llyn Smith, Professor Emeritus, Anthropology
  134. Amanda Dinscore, Librarian, Library
  135. Jeffrey White, Professor, Biological Sciences
  136. Antonio Barillas, Staff Psychotherapist; Liaison to Cultural Centers, Counseling & Psychological Services
  137. Frank Fogarty, Assistant Professor, Wildlife
  138. Loren Cannon, Lecturer, Philosophy
  139. Sarita Ray Chaudhury, Professor of Marketing, School of Business
  140. Kaz Wegmuller, Pre-Award Specialist, Sponsored Programs Foundation
  141. Christiana Frye, SPF Grant Analyst, SPF
  142. Claire Ingvoldsen, Research Engineer, Schatz Energy Research Center
  143. Holland Heese, Lecturer, Mathematics
  144. Sheila Jackson, Instructor of American Sign Language, Child Development
  145. Larisa Callaway-Cole, Assistant Professor, Child Development
  146. Abby Grattidge, Career Development Advisor, CAHSS, Career Development Center
  147. Sarah Haag, Ph.D., Lecturer, Psychology Department
  148. Christa Meingast, PhD, Engineering
  149. Brianne Hagen, Librarian Faculty, Cal Poly Humboldt
  150. Jennifer Eichstedt, Faculty, Sociology
  151. Kimberly Stelter, Librarian, Library
  152. Stefanie Israel de Souza, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Criminology & Justice Studies
  153. Sintana Vergara, Associate Professor, Environmental Resources Engineering
  154. Celesté Tamayo, Post-Master’s Resident; Housing and Residence Life Liaison, Counseling and Psychological Services
  155. Justin Luong, Assistant Professor, Forestry, Fire and Rangeland Management
  156. Jacky Baughman, Assistant Professor, Geology
  157. Alexandru Tomescu, Professor, Biological Sciences
  158. Greta Goshorn, Lecturer, School of Applied Health
  159. Tanya Garcia, Lecturer, School of Engineering; Research Engineer, Schatz Energy Research Center
  160. Eliseo Casiano, Assistant Professor, Art + Film
  161. Carisse Geronimo, Research Engineer, Schatz Energy Research Center
  162. Stephanie McMullen, LCSW, Staff Psychotherapist, CAPS
  163. Catalina Cuellar-Gempeler, Associate professor, Biological sciences
  164. Jen Petullo, Lecturer, Psychology, Cal Poly Humboldt
  165. Mari Sanchez, Associate Professor, Psychology
  166. Ryder Dschida, History Education Program Leader, History
  167. Yvonne Everett, Professor Emerita, Dept. Environmental Science and Management
  168. Ronnie Swartz (in part), Professor, Social Work
  169. Mark Baker, Retired faculty, Environmental Studies
  170. Kim Berry, Professor Emerita, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies
  171. Sara K. Sterner, Assistant Professor of Education, School of Education
  172. David Tuttle, Lecturer, Computer Science
  173. Tanner Etherton, Economic Analyst, Schatz Energy Research Center
  174. Matthew Simmons, Lecturer, Environmental Science & Management
  175. Dara Adams, Lecturer, Anthropology
  176. Jandy Bergmann, Lecture, Dance, Music, and Theater
  177. Daniel Busch, Staff, Anthropology
  178. Nate Swenson, Faculty, Forestry
  179. Garrett Purchio, Librarian, University Library
  180. Gabriel Vasquez, MFT Trainee, CAPS
  181. Sharon Tuttle Professor Computer Science
  182. Dave Woody Instructor Art + Film
  183. Nicola Walters Lecturer Politics
  184. Carly Marino Librarian Cal Poly Humboldt Library
  185. Kate Foley-Beining Lecturer World Languages and Cultures
  186. Dr. Jessica Urban Retired Associate Professor, Department of Critical Race and Gender Studies Retired
  187. Gary Lewis Lecturer Music
  188. Michelle Cartier Faculty Art and Film
  189. Ani Glenn Health Educator Cal Poly Humboldt Health Education Department
  190. Darci Miranda Facilities Management
  191. Jen Maguire (in part) Professor Social Work
  192. Suzanne Lyons Lecturer, Education Cal Poly Humboldt
  193. Shiloh Soto Staff College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  194. Iván González-Soto Lecturer Environmental Studies
  195. Richard N Brown Faculty Wildlife
  196. Meenal Rana Associate Professor Child Development, Cal Poly Humboldt
  197. Richard N Brown Staff – Campus Veterinarian CNRS
  198. Marylyn Paik-Nicely, Retired Director HSU MultiCultural Center, Student Support Services
  199. Abigail Smithson Lecturer Art + Film
  200. Morgan Barker Faculty Library
  201. Maia Cheli Senior Development Manager Schatz Energy Research Center
  202. Jeremy Nichols Staff Adimin Support II for NAS and CRGS
  203. Jack Murphy Lecturer Environmental Science and Management
  204. Saige Heuer Cultural Resources Facility Student Internship Coordinator Cultural Resources Facility at Cal Poly Humboldt
  205. Jeff Haag Professor emeritus Mathematics
  206. Gillian Black Staff CPH
  207. Debbie faculty social work
  208. Julie Slater, MSW FacultySocial Work
  209. Dove Byrne Faculty Business
  210. Anonymous Staff Member, CPH
  211. Paul Geck Lecturer History
  212. Jean Pfaelzer Former Faculty; current Affiliated Faculty History (formerly English)
  213. Cecilia Catherine TRIO Talent Search Advisor and Professional Development Coordinator SPF
  214. Sue Armitage Instrumental designer Center for Teaching & Learning
  215. Sarah Lasley Art + Film
  216. Amy Ithurburn Staff, Alumni Staff, Native American Studies – Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab and Traditional Ecological Knowledges Institute/Alumni, Environment & Community
  217. Joanna Beeg Lecturer Forestry
  218. Melanie Williams Lecturer, Emerita Political Science, Religious Studies
  219. Pia Gabriel (in part) Pre-award Specialist Sponsored Programs Foundation
  220. Mary Ann Creadon Emerita Faculty Department of English
  221. David Stacey Professor Emeritus English
  222. Christopher M Steenbock Lecturer Botany, Biological Sciences
  223. Aubrey Emmons Administrative Analyst (auxiliary staff) Sponsored Programs Foundation – Redwood Coast K-16 Educational Collaborative
  224. Carol West Lecturer Child Development
  225. Nicki Baggett Lecturer Environmental Science and Management
  226. Kyle Morgan Library
  227. Blanca Luevanos Pathways Facilitator Redwood Coast K-16 Education Collaborative
  228. Karen Reiss Adjunct Faculty Biology
  229. Kumi Watanabe-Schock Library Media Coordinator Library
  230. Azure Pellegrino Lecturer Psychology
  231. Elizabeth Rienzi Lecturer Sociology
  232. Barbara Goldberg English Department, Emerita Lecturer
  233. Shelbi Schroeder Faculty
  234. Nora Wynne Adjunct Faculty, School of Education, Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  235. Jessica Coming Communications Specialist
  236. Tonia Brito-Bersi Lab technician (staff)
  237. Marlene’ Dusek Native American Studies Lecturer
  238. Ernesto Chavez-Velasco Staff, Natural Resources department, graduate student Cal Poly Humboldt
  239. Alejandro Torres Staff Psychotherapist (Latinx focus) Counseling & Psychological Services
  240. Sue Y. Lee Professor Emerita Biological Sciences
  241. Archie Mossman Professor Emeritus Wildlife
  242. Ines Morales Fellow Support Coordinator (staff) Center for Community Based Learning
  243. Jay Schock Staff Financial Aid Office
  244. Enrique Guerrero Visiting Professor of Physics and CPH Alumni Physics
  245. Robert Cliver Professor History
  246. Dawn Khepri Student Services Specialist Financial Aid
  247. Laurie Richmond Professor Environmental Science & Management
  248. Baron Parks (Staff) Transfer Specialist Admissions
  249. Jenny Blair Staff Psychotherapist CAPS
  250. Rebecca Wood Student Services Specialist Financial Aid
  251. Ivan Contreras Mendoza Staff, Admissions Counselor Office of Admissions
  252. Andrea Santamaria Counselor Admissions
  253. Noah Batchman Admissions Counselor Office of Admissions
  254. Carly Slade Assistant Professor Art+Film
  255. Cara Peters, Pre-Award Support & Marketing Coordinator, SPF Office of Research & Sponsored Programs Foundation
  256. Matthew Dean Professor World Languages and Cultures
  257. Alana ChinAssistant Professor Biological Sciences
  258. Carrie Walpole Lecturer Dance, Music, and Theatre
  259. Jeff Black (in part) Professor (Wildlife Conservation and Management) Department of Wildlife
  260. Amy Sprowles FacultyBiological Sciences
  261. Alyssa Semerdjian staff Biological Sciences
  262. Chelsea Belden Board Coordinator (Staff) Associated Students
  263. Heidi Rutschow Lecturer Biological Sciences
  264. Serenity Bowen Lecturer Social Work and NAS
  265. Claudia Velasco-Morales TRIO Talent Search College Access Advisor Cal Poly Humboldt
  266. Cassandra May Research Associate Native American Studies
  267. Marlette Grant-Jackson Academic Advisor – ITEPP Cal Poly Humboldt – ITEPP
  268. Melitta Jackson Resource Sharing and Information Specialist Library
  269. Joseph Dieme FacultyWLC
  270. Dane Oppenborn Program support specialist College of Extended Education & Global Engagement
  271. Mark Castro Co-Director, Cultural Resources Facility & Lecturer, Department of Anthropology Anthropology
  272. Dana Williams Professor Sociology
  273. Noel DiBenedetto Administrative Supportive Coordinator Dean of Students
  274. Niki Conley Lecturer Art and Film
  275. Jonae Calderon Staff Financial Analyst CNRS
  276. Sydney Tabbert Cal Poly Humboldt
  277. Dr. Leena Dallasheh History – former HSU professor
  278. Brittany Britton Gallery Director- Reese Bullen & Goudi’ni Native American Arts Galleries Art + Film Department
  279. India Vekarić Eichelbaugh Supplemental Instruction leader and Writing Studio consultant Cal Poly Humboldt student and staff member
  280. Charles Sharpe Retired instructor (Rec/Kinesiology ) Kinesiology and Psychology (M.A. 1980)
  281. Barbara Brinson Curiel Professor Emerita Critical Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies and English
  282. Andy Harris Schatz Energy Research Center
  283. Benjamin Graham Associate Professor Psychology
  284. Stephen Nachtigall Associate Professor Art + Film
  285. Jen “JD” Dyke Project Director TRIO Upward Bound
  286. Christopher Walmsley Associate Professor Department of Psychology
  287. Elizabeth Faidley Staff member, IST III CNRS
  288. Nicola Waugh Lecturer Art + Film
  289. Nora A Montoya Staff Academic Advising Center
  290. Michel Sargent Media Specialist Center For Teaching & Learning
  291. Jeffrey Frederick Lecturer Psychology
  292. Julie Raich Dieme FacultyWorld Languages and Cultures
  293. Sulaina Banks Staff Admissions
  294. Carolyn Ortenburger (in part) staff, community member
  295. Felicia Stansbury Lecturer Social Work
  296. Jose R. Marin Jarrin, Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries Biology

Signed by an additional 884 students, alumni, community supporters, and California State University faculty at other campuses. Read the entire list here.

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